Channeling Raw Emotion into Personal and Collective Change
A Witch’s Path to Magickal Resilience
These past few days, words have slipped away from me, hollow and inadequate. The weight of all that’s unfolding feels beyond the reach of language. This post has taken several days to write and finish. Processing the shock of Donald Trump's re-election feels like walking through a thick fog. Everything seems muted and unsteady. For those of us who aren't white, Christian, cis-het men, or who love someone who isn't, this strikes deeply. It feels personal because it is. Politics touches our very existence, especially when it tries to erase people's rights and identities. These days have felt like a punch to the heart. The policies and rhetoric aiming to erase us add another heavy burden. Within our communities, there's a raw anger and deep sorrow that can feel overwhelming. We're feeling not just for ourselves but for everyone we love and countless others we'll never meet. These emotions run deep. They come from knowing that something essential is at risk. Recognizing this reminds us how important it is to care for ourselves and each other, and finding small ways to stay strong.
As witches and spiritual beings, how do we navigate moments like this? These feelings are powerful and can propel us forward. Our craft teaches that emotions aren't pesky things meant to be in denial about. They're sources of real power. In times like these, they can guide us toward resilience and purpose. They clarify what we're here to protect. There's a reason to hold onto the ideals in our hearts, to feel hope even amidst grief, and to act from that place. You don't have to do anything today except be with your feelings. Sometimes that's the necessary work.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what comes next, remember you’re not alone. Many of us are here, feeling the same weight, moving forward as best we can. Your feelings are valid and carry great power. This is a call to honor our anger and grief, to feel them fully, and to begin turning them into tools for change. The path may not be clear yet, but we're far from powerless. Our practice embraces the full spectrum of being human. It encourages us to dive into our emotions, seeing them as powerful forces rather than obstacles. Anger, grief, and sorrow are not flaws or distractions from our spiritual path. They're authentic expressions of what's real and sacred within us. We aren't asked to rise above these feelings. We're invited to work with them, to let them show us what matters, and to use them to fuel what we stand for. For now, look within yourself. Let these emotions guide your actions, and be thoughtful about where you direct your energy.
Spiritual bypassing often frames only positivity as the ideal state, promoting a way to stay calm and "high-vibration." That pressure to stay positive avoids the real work these feelings demand, sidestepping the tougher emotions. Our craft sees anger as more than frustration. It's a fire that ignites when a boundary is crossed or a core value is threatened. If you're feeling angry, something significant has been violated. That fire isn't negative. It's a sacred guide and teacher. It shows you where to draw the line, where to protect, and where to act. Channeling that anger in ritual isn't about holding onto negativity. It's about using that energy to stand up and make a change.
Grief is just as sacred as anger. When grief surfaces, it comes from a deep connection to what we hold dear. It's not weakness. Itt's a testament to what we cherish. Grief reminds us of all we cherish—the people, the dreams, the ideals, the philosophy, the morals, and the loves that have imprinted themselves upon our hearts. In grieving, we connect deeply with those bonds. Rituals of grief can hold space for honoring what's been lost. Anger and grief serve as fierce allies. Each teaches us what we truly value. A spell rooted in anger is an act of protection, a stance for what's right. A ritual of grief is a testament to what we love. In our practice, emotions are forces we work with. Each carries a truth that can fuel our most powerful magick. When we're ready, these forces can help us bring healing into our communities, offering insight into ways to protect what we value most.
Leaning into these strong emotions, instead of avoiding them, helps us shape them into something purposeful. Grief is like water. Sometimes it floods us, sometimes it cleanses and reveals what's real. Anger is fire. It burns through the noise and clears a path to what matters. The goal isn't to be consumed by rage or despair. It's about shaping these feelings into something useful. They can serve as fuel to push us toward action and a world that's more just and compassionate. The work isn't about ignoring our deep feelings. It's about staying steady in the storm, holding the ideals in our hearts as a guiding light. We use our emotions as tools rather than letting them overwhelm us.
We've often been told to bottle up anger or push grief aside, as if they're too messy or unspiritual. In our craft, these feelings are sacred. As I said, they tie us to our core values and our deep sense of justice. Feeling anger and grief shows that our hearts are very much alive. Those who walked this path before us understood this. They faced hardship and loss, transforming those feelings into resilience. They found ways to hold onto their beliefs, keeping practices alive when the world tried to take everything away.
Honoring our anger and grief today means stepping into that tradition of resilience. We recognize these emotions as powerful. They remind us what we're fighting for and what we refuse to back down from. Embracing them taps into something deep and strong. They link us to our ancestors, our communities, and our purpose. Not everyone will understand or share these feelings. The other day, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. shared a reminder on Facebook that I needed to hear—and I know many of us do, too: “Don’t waste energy on those who are not ready, not interested, or are more interested in sparring than dialogue.” Save your energy for those willing to engage meaningfully. Conserve your strength for the real work at hand.
History shows us time and again that anger and grief can be powerful forces for change. The Stonewall Riots, where years of oppression met fierce resistance, stand as a testament to this. The Civil Rights Movement transformed collective sorrow and frustration into a powerful call for justice. The suffragettes, facing ridicule and violence, channeled their anger into action that changed history. These moments remind us that anger and grief aren't just personal struggles. They're raw energy that can spark real change. Like Ivo reminds us, as practitioners, we have a responsibility to discern when to act and when to conserve our energy.
In our craft, the story of Aradia show us how anger and grief can be sacred forces for justice. Grieving a loss or feeling anger over injustice connects us to the same energy that fueled movements like Stonewall, civil rights, and suffrage. By embracing these feelings, we're stepping into a legacy of resilience and resistance. Aradia's story reminds us to turn pain and anger into something powerful. Transforming raw emotions into sacred fires, we create spells, actions, and movements. When we give grief and anger purpose, they become forces that lead to lasting change. If you haven’t read it yet, I can’t recommend Madeline Miller’s Circe enough. It’s one of my all-time favorites, and it explores a similar theme in such a powerful way. Even as fiction, it keeps circling back to a deep truth that really resonates regarding the relationship between witchcraft and empowerment in the face of grief and anger.
Right now, our emotions might feel like a relentless storm. But even storms have a calm center where clarity can be found. We can create that calm by taking deep breaths or standing barefoot on the earth to reconnect. Feeling the ground reminds us that we're held. We don't have to be swept away by everything we're experiencing. Each inhale draws in strength. Each exhale releases heaviness back into the cosmos to be transformed. Finding that center lets us honor our emotions without being overtaken by them. We work with our anger and grief to stay resilient and steady.
When channeled with purpose, anger and grief become powerful motivators. Anger shows us what we refuse to accept. Grief connects us to what matters most. In our practice, anger becomes a force for protection, truth, and justice. It's energy ready to be focused. Grief builds compassion and reminds us of our connections. It grounds us in love. Together, these feelings help us shape a future that honors those we've lost and protects those we love. Whether through spells, activism, or our daily commitments, they help us turn intentions into change. Sometimes, when we've built up the emotional strength, it's worth finding common ground to open someone else's eyes to the issues and struggles we know so well.
In tough times, anger and grief aren't forces to run from. They're sacred allies guiding us toward purpose and resilience. Light and shadow both deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world. By allowing ourselves to fully feel these emotions, we join those who turned pain into lasting change. If you feel anger or grief, let them show you the way forward. Pour them into art, writing, ritual, or service to others. Giving emotions purpose transforms them into forces that can create real change. Also, this doesn't need to be immediate. Allow yourself the time to process and feel whatever you're experiencing. We're in this together, moving forward in a manner that fully honor what this moment means. We’ll move forward one step at a time, careful and steady, trusting that each step will reveal the next if we keep moving forward with purpose.
I wish I knew what else to say. I wish I knew what exactly we could do to fix this giant tragedy that lies ahead of us. But for now. This is the best that I have got at the moment and hope it will be helpful.
Eye of the Storm Spread
Here’s the tarot spread I used to process and meditate on all of this. It guided me through my emotions, revealed hidden strengths, and showed ways to channel these feelings constructively. I thought I should share it with you in case it brings the same insight and support.
1. The Burden (Emotion to Process)
This card reveals the primary emotion you’re holding right now. It might be anger, grief, fear, or something else. Let this card acknowledge your current state, giving a name to the feeling that needs the most attention.
2. The Gift (Lesson or Strength)
What gift or strength lies within this emotion? This card shows how the challenge can lead to growth or reveal a hidden ability within you.
3. The Path (Channeling the Emotion for Growth)
How can you use this feeling to help yourself grow? This card offers guidance on turning your emotion into something constructive. It may point to an action, a ritual, or a new mindset.
4. The Guide (Helping Others)
How can what you’re experiencing help others? This card shows how your journey can serve as a source of support or inspiration for those around you.
5. Self-Care
What do you need to feel nurtured and strong right now? This card gives insight into what will help you maintain your well-being as you process difficult emotions.
6. Support
How can you best show care for others during this time? This card suggests a practical way to provide compassion and support to those who may also be struggling.
7. Next Steps
What is the most helpful next step to take on this journey? This card brings clarity on an immediate action that will move you forward with purpose.
8. The Anchor
What can keep you steady as you continue? This final card serves as a grounding point, reminding you of what will help you stay centered in your values and strength.
9. The Light (Hope and Inspiration)
What hope or inspiration can you draw from this experience? This card provides a spark of encouragement, a reminder of what’s possible beyond the present struggle. It may show you a vision or inspiration to guide you toward the future with renewed faith and strength.
In my book, The Psychic Art of Tarot, I provide a list of essential emergency resources that I believe every tarot reader should have on hand. These resources are not only helpful during challenging readings but also vital in times like these, where support and stability are needed by so many. I felt it would be appropriate to share them here for anyone who might find themselves in need or who may wish to offer these resources to others. For quick access, I’ve compiled a list for you here:
Hex the Patriarchy Candle Spell Kit:
My dear friend Madame Pamita has put together spell kits for hexing the patriarchy. She’s selling these kits at cost and therefore not making any profit off of them. She said she wants witches to have a powerfully constructive place to put their rage to bring down the patriarchy. Check them out here.

Here are suggested online reading:
Coyle, T. Thorn. On Community Care
Leland, Charles. Aradia: Gospel of the Witches (Free Sacred Text Edition)
Verfassungsblog. The Authoritarian Regime Survival Guide
Here are suggested books:
Fortune, Dion. The Magical Battle of Britain: The War Letters of Dion Fortune Edited by Gareth Knight
Heselton, Phillip. and Hodgkinson, Moira. Operation Cone of Power
Hughes, Michael M. Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change
Leland, Charles. Aradia: Gospel of the Witches (Weiser Edition, specifically for it’s commentary by modern witchcraft elders)
Lyons, Sarah. Revolutionary Witchcraft: A Guide to Magical Activism
Miller, Madeline. Circe
Reed, Theresa. and Miro, Shaheen. Tarot for Troubled Times: Confront Your Shadow, Heal Your Self & Transform the World
Reed, Theresa. The Cards You're Dealt: How to Deal when Life Gets Real (A Tarot Guidebook)
Salisbury, David. Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance (Includes Spells for Social Justice, Civil Rights, the Environment, and More)
Spencer, Craig. Aradia: A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland's Gospel of the Witches
Starhawk. Dreaming The Dark: Magic, Sex and Politics
Starhawk. Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority, and Mystery
Weber, Courtney. Sacred Tears: A Witch's Guide to Grief
Zakroff, Laura Tempest. The New Aradia: A Witch's Handbook to Magical Resistance
Zakroff, Laura Tempest. The Gorgon's Guide to Magical Resistance
Zakroff, Laura Tempest. Serpents of Circe: A Manual to Magical Resilience